Quotes from A History of Modern Creationism, by Henry Morris

- ‘But for any of God’s people who might sink into despair at the very thought of organized and Satanic opposition to biblical truth or, even worse, widespread compromise among Christian leaders with such enemies of God, the book ends with the tremendously uplifting spectrum of scriptural assurances of the final victory of the Creator.’ John C. Whitcomb (xi)
- ‘Creationism is not a sort of cultic or fringe movement of these latter days, as its enemies try to represent it. It is the most ancient of all cosmogonies and has been the belief or orthodox Christians, as well as orthodox Jews and Muslims, all down through the centuries. It is based specifically on the very first verse of the Bible, the first revelation from God Himself. These primeval words – possibly the first words ever written down, perhaps even transcribed by Adam himself…’ [can be refuted with Jared Diamond’s Egyptian origins of writing] (opening sentences – page 19)
- ‘ Darwin did not, as his disciples like to claim, bring in an age of scientific enlightenment. He merely revived ancient paganism.’ (21)
- ‘Evolution, of course, cannot be falsified – or even tested – in its broad scope, and thus is not real science. While the same is true of creation, this very fact is itself a prediction of creationism – namely, that creation was completed in the past and therefore cannot possibly be observed taking place in the present. This stricture should not apply to evolution, however, since it presumably is still going on at present, and therefore should be observable. When it is not observed, then the evolutionist has to impose an arbitrary modification on the concept, claiming that it proceeds too slowly to be observed.’ (27)
- ‘Racism, Imperialism, and Social Darwinism. Modern evolutionists would like for people today to forget the devastating sociological effects of the evolutionary philosophy in the post-Darwinian century. Creationists, of course, don’t want them to forget, since these bitter fruits were only naturally to be expected from such bitter roots.’ (49)
- ‘The fact is that the waves of imperialism, revolutionism, and racism which took such deadly toll in the wake of Darwin can be traced directly to the spread of evolutionary philosophy in society.’ (49)
- ‘Neither imperialism nor racism originated with Darwinism, or course, as both have been present in one form or another throughout history [refutes himself!]… However, Darwinism finally provided racist imperialism with an apparent scientific justification.’ (51)
- ‘The eventual outgrowth of Darwinian evolutionary racism is measured both in terms of the multitudes killed in Africa during the European conquest of that continent and, finally, the Jewish holocaust in Germany .’ (52)
- ‘Christians ought to stand without any compromise on Biblical theistic creationism, rather than on any variety of humanism.’ (57)
- ‘[William Jennings Bryan] was not a scientist, however, nor was he devious, and he failed to realize he was walking into a deadly trap set by the A.C.L.U. and their lead attorney, the famous Clarence Darrow.’ (73)
- ‘Darrow, however, after mercilessly ridiculing Bryan on the stand with all sorts of irrelevant Bible questions…’ [a strange objection for a Bible literalist] (73)
- ‘Except for occasional courageous Christian teachers here and there, the public educational systems from kindergarten through graduate school have been strictly centers of evolutionist indoctrination for well over sixty years.’ (74)
- ‘The schools and government and society in general were, to all intents and purposes, simply abandoned to secular humanist control, and they have been firmly under their control ever since.’ [disestablishmentarianism] (74-75)
- ‘During the three-plus decades between the Scopes trial and the Darwinian Centennial, the Lord raised up a number of scientists who would lay the foundations for a  truly significant creationist revival in the 1960s and 1970s.’ (85)
- ‘But there was still the problem of the age of the earth and the geological column. If this could be settled anywhere, it would have to be in Scripture.’ (107)
- ‘ ‘The purpose of this book, very frankly and without apology, is to win people to a genuine faith in Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God and their personal Savior. [The Bible and Modern Science, Morris, 1951]… The same paragraph, though originally written almost 50 years ago, could still apply to every book I have written since.’ (111) - ‘The first real creationist organization in this country was evidently the Religion and Science Association, organized in the summer of 1935.’ (126)
- ‘The membership after a year (by September 1936) had only grown to 51.’ (130)
- ‘By March 1937, the organization seemed to be falling apart.’ (131)
- ‘The abortive history of the Religion and Science Association at least provided a significant lesson or two for the future. The most obvious was that compromise for expediency’s sake does not work… it did not survive precisely because these compromisers were in it, and soon came to dominate it. Another weakness, of course, was the scarcity of qualified creationist scientists.’ (131-132)
- The nucleus of literalists from the RSA formed the second Creationist society, the Creation-Deluge Society, which dissolved in 1945 after seven years of activity.
- ‘Modern scientism seems to dictate the hermeneutics, not the Scriptures themselves.’ (158)
- ‘As a creationist organization…, the American Scientific Affiliation has proven not only to be a sad failure, but even  strong opponent to the creationist cause. Because of the prestige of its scientists, and their professed commitment to Scripture, the ASA has led many Christian schools, colleges, and even seminaries into a similar compromise position.’ (161)
- ‘I had chosen to major in hydraulics, with a minor in geology, primarily because of my conviction that this was the best combination with which to develop a sound system of deluge geology.’ (166)
- ‘After The Genesis Flood [he co-authored it] was finally published and began to make an impact around the country, the leaders of the evolutionary/humanistic establishments on the campus tried on at least two occasions to get me removed from my position, since I was considered an embarrassment to the university (or so I was told by a high-level administrator there).’ (172)
- ‘It demonstrated – we thought conclusively – that the Bible taught a recent creation and world-destroying deluge. That being the case, all the facts of geology and the other sciences must, if understood correctly, confirm the historical factuality of these two great events. We then tried to show from a detailed study of the scientific data that this really was the case, but that these data had somehow been distorted to conform to the humanistic notions of evolutionism and uniformitarianism.’ (192)
- ‘These were the 18 men whom the Lord used to start the Creation Research Society. Although only a few held prestigious scientific positions, all had excellent scientific training and experience. Most importantly, all were firmly committed to an inerrant Bible and strict creationism, as well as believing in Christ as Lord and Savior.’ (212)
- Creation Research Institute founded 1963.
- ‘The decision to prepare a high school textbook in biology, oriented about creation instead of evolution, was one of the most important actions taken by the Society during its early years.’ (216) – this was rejected by the top fifteen textbook publishing companies (222) The Indiana Supreme Court actually banned it in 1977 (227).
- ‘ The Institute for Creation Research (or ICR) has been the first one to have a full-time staff of creationist scientists actively dedicated to research, writing, and teaching in the field of scientific creationism.’ (271)
- ‘The evolutionary establishment which controls science, education, and government in this country is not about to supply funds or facilities or outlets for creationist research if they can help it.’ (290)
- ‘The [geologic] evidence [performed by the ICR in the Western states] seemed strongly to favor the creation/flood model, but was not sufficiently compelling by itself to settle the question, and so we did not publish the results at the time.’ (291)
- ‘[Noah’s Ark ] documented discovery would prove beyond reasonable question that the Flood was global ( Mount Ararat is 17,000 feet high!) and, therefore, that flood geology is basically sound.’ (294)
- ‘One can now find a nucleus of genuine creationists on almost every college and university faculty in the country. They tend to be quiet about it or, if vocal, usually persecuted for it, but they are there!’ (300)
- ‘The evolutionists, however, more often than not, do not stick to scientific arguments. They will attack the Bible, show that creationists have religious motivations, argue that one can be religious and still believe in evolution, contend that creationism is not scientific, or attack our personal character or credentials. They may talk about variations in fruit flies or the similar morphology of men and apes of the history of evolutionary thought. But one thing they will not do is give any real scientific evidence for macro-evolution. This is because there isn’t any real scientific evidence for macro-evolution! This is why creationists almost always win debates.’ (308)
- in 1981 ICR had to separate from its partner Christian Heritage College because CHC could not get accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. (311)
- ‘The need for a Christian, creationist accrediting organization is also very real and will become more critical as time goes on.’ (323)
‘The Creation Science Research Center has already been mentioned as being secially concerned with political actions related to creation in the schools. This organization, directed by Nell Segraves and her son, Kelly, received national publicity in early 1981 through a lawsuit filed against the state of California on behalf of Kelly’s three sons. The allegation was that the religious beliefs of schoolchildren were being harmed by the exclusive teaching of evolution to which they were being subjected in the public schools. Although the media did their best to make a ‘Scopes Trial’ circus out of this Sacramento trial, they were disappointed in that many of the expected scientist witnesses were not called, with the anticipated ridicule of creationism and fundamentalism which presumably would have resulted. Judge Irving H. Perluss, in an equivocating decision, ruled that the state’s Science Framework already provided sufficient accommodation to the religious beliefs of creationist children, but that this needed to be communicated more effectively to the teachers. In effect, it was ruled that evolution could be taught exclusively, as long as it was not taught in a context of dogmatic atheism.’ (334-335)
- ‘Dr. Geisler, a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, was one of the defense witnesses. Most of his testimony was very good but this was not reported by the press. Unfortunately, the ACLU attorneys got him to acknowledge his evaluations of UFOs as demonic in origin, and the press had great sport with this.’ (337)
- ‘Evolution is the supposed scientific basis of Marxism and communism.’ (340)
- ‘The revelation of Scripture, the real facts of science, and all human experience refuter evolution and support creation, and there are multitudes of people who know that today!’ (357-358)
- ‘We have just shown that the creation movement is here to stay and, with great numbers of key young people becoming convinced creationists, it is certain to become stronger as time goes on, regardless of the outcome of recent lawsuits and legislative actions.’ (361)
- ‘In a remarkable bibliography of materials dealing with the creation/evolution question – almost all written from either an anti-creationist or neutralist point of view…’ [note: he does not lament this fact, only mentions it] (370)
- Organizations that attended an anti-creation conference: ‘American Humanist Society, National Science Teachers Association, American Museum of Natural History, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, American Association for Advancement of Science, National Association of Biology Teachers, American Society of Biological Chemists, American Geological Institute, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, American Anthropological Association, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, National Cancer Institute, National Academy of Sciences.’ (378)
- ‘God is never honored by compromise on this most basic of all issues. Evolution, in one guise or another, is the ubiquitous global religion which is ‘against God’.’ (390)
- ‘There are only two possible models of origins, or world views, creation and evolution, and trying to bring them together is like trying to equate God and Satan.’ (390)
- ‘It ought to be considered a ‘given,’ like the deity of Christ, for all who profess to be Bible-believing Christians.’ (392)
- ‘The hypothetical geological ages are unverifiable scientifically, being based entirely on indirect evidence and unwarranted uniformitarian extrapolation (plus circular reasoning – fossils are dated by the rocks in which they are found, with the rocks dated from the assumed evolutionary age of their fossils.’ (393)

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